The Beginning

Pre-mint we plan to build a strong community where you can chill out and engage with fellow apes! We will be putting out some sneak peeks to show you what to expect along the way.

The Big Day

On Mint day, 5222 cards will be available for purchase on our official website.

Ace Lounges

We have allocated 15% of minting revenue for building poker lounges in various metaverses. Community votes will take place in order to decide which metaverse to expand into next.

Here for you

After each poker lounge is built, we will be hosting tournaments for prizes which will vary for each metaverse, depending on their tokenomics! 50% of the profits from poker lounges will be donated to charities that support people with gambling addictions.

Our Goals

Our vision is to become the most prominent Poker based NFT in the market. As we expand our portfolio of lounges, prizes and rewards will substantially increase.


In addition, we will be developing our own custom clothing line, which will be customizable and available for purchase, exclusively to holders.

Strong Community

Lastly, we will be hosting various exclusive events and festivals, both in the real world and the metaverse, for us all to come together.

Thank you all for being a part of our journey and vision,
